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How To Pair The Qwerty Remote


How to pair the QWERTY remote with my TV?




You need to pair your remote with your TV in order to use the keyboard side of the remote.

If you remote is not paired the message "NEED PAIRING" will scroll across the display on the keyboard side of a remote whenever a button is pressed.

To pair your remote with your TV follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the SYM and TAB buttons on the keypad.
  1. The message "PAIRING" will appear on the remote screen. Hold remote within 8" of the TV.
    • If the pairing process is sucessful the message "PAIRED" will be displayed.
    • You will now be able to use the keyboard side of your remote.
    • If the message "FAILURE" is displayed thy performing these steps again.
      • If the "FAILURE" message is displayed again click here for instructions on how to reset the Bluetooth in the TV.

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