How to disable the screen
saver feature on my Samsung TV?
To turn off the screen saver
feature on your Samsung TV, follow these steps:
Press the 'Home' button on
your remote control.
Navigate to the 'Settings'
option and select it.
Scroll down to 'System' and
click on it.
Find 'Auto Protection Time'
and set it to 'Off'.
Click 'Done' or 'Save' to
apply the changes.
By following these instructions,
the Samsung Logo (screen saver) will appearing when the TV is left idle without
a source connection.
Screen Saver: A feature that
displays an image or animation after a certain period of inactivity to protect
the screen from burn-in damage.
Samsung Logo: The official
emblem representing the Samsung brand.
Home Button: A button on
the remote control that takes you back to the main menu or home screen.
Settings: A section within
the TV's interface where various configuration options can be adjusted.
System: A subsection of the
settings menu containing options related to the TV's system functions and performance.
Auto Protection Time: A setting
that controls how long the TV waits before activating the screen saver.
Off: A status indicating
that a particular function or service is currently disabled.