Home > Call Guide > Samsung TV turns on or off by itself
Samsung TV turns on or off by itself
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Issue: Samsung TV turns off and on by itself





  • For your convenience, there are many ways for your TV to connect with other devices and automatically turn on or off when needed.
  • However, if your TV is turning off and on continuously, there are a few simple actions you can take to fix it.


  1. The first step is unplugging the TV.
  2. By default, some HDMI devices are set to turn the TV on when they turn on. This feature is Anynet+, also known as HDMI-CEC which allows you to control both devices with your TV remote.
  3. If you want to turn on your devices separately, you can turn off Anynet+ in "Settings > General > External Device Manager", but you will no longer be able to use your TV remote for both devices.


  • Unplug the TV for 30 seconds.
  1. Unplug the TV from the wall outlet or surge protector for 30 seconds, and then plug it back in (This helps reset the TV).


  • Check the power cord and adapter for any visible damages.


  • Try to update the software.
  1. In some cases, a software update can correct the problem. However, there is a risk involved.
  2. If the TV turns off during the software update, it could damage the TV.
  3. Updates can take up to 30 minutes depending on network speed, so if the TV is not turning off too frequently, try updating the software.


  • Disable the Power On with Mobile option.
  1. TVs which can connect to SmartThings can be turned on using compatible devices, sometimes automatically.
  2. However, if abnormal "power on" signals are sent through the wireless network, they will trigger this function and turn on the TV.
  3. If you do not want this function, navigate to "Settings > General > Network > Expert Settings > Power On with Mobile", and turn the setting off.
  4. If the TV continues to turn off and on by itself continuously, visit the Support Center to request service.


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