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Google Play Movies & TV app Sunset
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What is the process for handling the deprecation of the Google Play Movies & TV app on Y14-Y21 Smart TV models?



Series:  Y14 - Y21 Smart TV model


App name: Google Play Movies & TV                                                                         



Deprecation timeline                                                                          

It is unable to watch Google Play & Movies app after deprecation (June 15th)                                                                             

The exact date may differ from each region/TV model                                                                          


Target country : World wide                                                                           


Reasons for sunset                                                                            

Due to COVID-19, the number of new release contents keeps decreasing.                                                                            

So, Google confirmed that they will deprecate Google Play&Movies and integrate the service to YouTube TVOD service                                                                           


Available Alternatives                                                                            

YouTube will provide the same TVOD catalog so that the users can enjoy the same service with Google Play & Movies                                                                            

For the users who already purchased any movies & TV shows > Users can keep watching the purchased/rented contents via YouTube app if they log-in with the same account                                                                          

New purchase service is also available                                                                           

**However, There is a few markets where YouTube TVOD will arrive a bit later.                                                                           

    For those the user will still be allowed to watched purchased content, but not able to acquire new one                                                                          

    For the more info, please guide user to contact Google Play&Movies CS center for support                                                                            


Pre-notification Process                                                                          

You will be able to see the pop-up messages like below based on the timeline.                                                                            

Step# 1: April 12nd- June 14th : Google Play & Movies will have a pop-up with messaging that they will be deprecating on June 15th,and to go to YT Movies.                                                                           

Step# 2: June 15th- July 15th: Google Play & Movies will have a static slate. Google agreed they will incorporate the url with FAQ as our CS team suggested.                                                                         

Step# 3: July 15th: Samsung takes down the Google Play & Movies app.   


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