How to connect Twitter to my Samsung TV?
To link your Twitter account to your Samsung
TV, follow these steps:
Ensure your TV has a wired or wireless network
connection and a Smart TV ID set up.
On the main Smart Hub page, press the blue
D button on your remote to access the Settings menu.
Select 'Account Management' by pressing Enter.
Choose 'Register Service Account' and press
Navigate to 'Samsung Apps', highlight Twitter,
and press Enter.
Select 'Register' and press Enter.
Input your Twitter ID and password using the
on-screen keyboard.
Confirm your credentials by selecting 'OK'
and pressing Enter. Your Twitter account will now be linked to your TV.
Wired/Wireless Network Connection - A way to
connect your TV to the internet using cables (wired) or without cables (wireless).
Smart TV ID - A unique identifier assigned
to your Samsung Smart TV during setup.
Smart Hub - A feature on Samsung Smart TVs
that allows you to access various apps and services.
Register Service Account - The process of adding
an online service (like Twitter) to your Samsung Smart TV.
Samsung Apps - Pre-installed applications available
on Samsung Smart TVs.
Twitter - A social media platform that connects
people through tweets and conversations.