PROBLEM 1: General TV app troubleshooting
There are multiple reasons why an app may not perform correctly. When experiencing an issue with an app, a little bit of investigation is required to determine the cause of the issue and what steps need to be taken to resolve it.
To troubleshoot app issues, perform the following:
- Test the network status. This will help determine if the TV is having an issue connecting to the internet. If the network status fails, this could indicate that there is an issue with the network.
- Confirm that the TV firmware is up-to-date. If the TV firmware is not up-to-date, update and test the app again.
- Confirm that the TV is logged into a Samsung account by logging out and then back in again.
- Reset the Smart Hub. This will delete all stored information and downloaded apps, and will force Smart Hub to be reactivated, which can resolve many issues.
- Reinstall the app that was having an issue. If the issue is resolved, it was caused by an out-of-date Smart Hub version, a glitched setup or install, or an apps account sync issue.
- If the app is not in the recommended section of Smart Hub, delete the app and then reinstall the app to Smart Hub. If the app functions normally after reinstalling, there may have been an issue with the installation or setup.
- Open the Apps menu and try a similar app to the one experiencing an issue. For example, if trying to use a video streaming app such as Netflix, try streaming the video from a different app instead (Hulu, YouTube, etc.). If the other apps function properly, this is a good indicator that the issue is localized to that app and not the TV.
If all apps are experiencing the same issue, this could be an issue with the network. Continue to the section below regarding checking the network and internet connection.
PROBLEM 2: One app is not working when others are
If one app is not working when others are, then perform the following:
- Try to launch the app.
- If the app does not launch at all, this indicates that there is a problem with the app software version being incompatible with the TV Firmware or Smart Hub version.
- If the app successfully launches, but then experiences issues, this is usually caused by a server issue with the app provider, or an issue with the ISP.
- Contact the app developer to see if they are experiencing any known network traffic issues or if there have been any issues with ISPs blocking access to their content.
- While in contact with the app developer, check if they can provide the IP address of their servers, to see if their server can be pinged from the home network.
- If the home network is unable to ping the server, contact the ISP for further assistance.
- If the home network is able to ping the server, the final step is to check the network and internet connection.
If the above steps have not resolved the issue, the final step is to check the network and internet connection.
- If the network router has a firewall enabled, disable it and try connecting while the firewall is down. If the TV is able to connect without the firewall, then the port range being used will need to be opened up when the firewall is re-enabled.
- Manually set the TV DNS setting to or and test again. If changing the DNS resolves the issue, this should only need to be a one-time fix, and you should no longer experience an issue with the app.
- Bypass the router and connect the TV via an Ethernet cable directly to the modem. If you are able to use the app when connected directly to the modem this indicates there is a settings issue with the network equipment. If there is no change in the functionality, contact the internet service provider.