How can I use my smart remote key combinations
on a 2016 or 2017 Samsung TV?
Here's how to use your smart remote key combinations
on a 2016 (K) or 2017 (M, Q) series Samsung TV:
Pairing the TV to the smart control: Press
and hold the Return and Play/Pause buttons for 3 seconds or more.
Smart control reset: Press and hold the Return
and Color/Extra buttons until the LED stops flickering.
Remote management: Press and hold the SMART
HUB button for 5 seconds or more.
SmartHub Version: On the Apps screen, press
Channel up, then Channel up, then Channel down, then Channel up, and then Play/Pause.
Contact Samsung: Press and hold the Play/Pause
button for 5 seconds or more.
Channel list: Press and hold the Channel button.
PIN code reset: Press the Mute button, then
Volume up, Return, then Volume Down, then Return, Volume up, and then Return.
Smart Hub service Location: Press the Mute
button, then Volume up, then Channel up, and then Mute.
Note: These steps may vary depending on your
specific TV model and firmware version.