Connect a camcorder to a TV
Some camcorders can connect directly to your TV for easy viewing of recorded material. Most camcorders will supply you with the cables required to make this connection. These cables have a proprietary jack on one end and a composite, component, or HDMI connection on the other.
These connections are:
After you have identified the type of cable you will be using, review the section below that relates to your cable.
To connect a camcorder to your TV with composite A/V cables, follow these steps:
- Connect one end of the composite video (yellow) and audio (red and white) cables to the A/V OUT on the camcorder.
Note: The end that connects to your camcorder is a proprietary connection.
- Connect the composite video (yellow) cable to the green video input with the yellow ring around it on your TV. Connect the audio (red and white) cables to the audio AV IN jacks on your TV.
Note: The AV Video In on your TV shares a connection with the Component input. The green input labeled Y also has a yellow ring around it, identifying it as the Composite Video In connection. The connection jacks will be facing down on the TV
- Press the Source button on the remote and select the AV input.
Note: Your camcorder must be in the Player mode for it to send a signal to the TV. Consult your camcorder owners manual to find out how to put it in this mode.
To connect a camcorder to your TV with Component cables, follow these steps:
- Connect the Component video cable proprietary end to the A/V OUT on the camcorder.
- Connect the standard RCA style ends of the cable to the Component IN connections on the rear of your television.
Note: The Component and composite connections are a shared connection. The connection jacks will be facing down on the TV.
- Press the Source button on the TV remote and select the Component input.
Note: Your camcorder must be in the Player mode for it to send a signal to the TV. Consult your camcorder owners manual to find out how to put it into this mode.
To connect a camcorder to your TV with an HDMI cable, follow these steps:
- Connect the HDMI cable proprietary end to the A/V OUT on the camcorder.
- Connect the HDMI cable to any free HDMI input on the rear of your television.
- Press the Source button on the TV remote and select the HDMI input.
Note: Your camcorder must be in the Player mode for it to send a signal to the TV. Consult your camcorder owners manual to find out how to put it in this mode.