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Local news/weather channels such as CTV News
usually have separate regional stations and provide local chnanels such as CTV News
Montreal and CTV News Toronto.
Currently, TV Plus operates a national channel
lineup as one set based on SmartHub countries.
Local channels are delivered through a database
that is constantly updating.
"I live in Montreal, but I see CTV News
"I live in Toronto, but I don't see my
local Toronto News"
In order to provide localized channels on TV
Plus, a third party IP-metro Code mapping is referencing a third party database.
There may be incorrect data in this database,
as it is constantly updating by regions.
- If a user wants to check/modify their
regions, request the customer's IP Address and Postal Code
- To get IP, advise customer to retrieve
their TV's IP Address by going to ""
- Email request to modify BM PIC to VD GBM
It can take up to four weeks
to correct database information