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MBR has priority over CEC in the remote control connection method
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Why does my 2022 TV prioritize MBR over HDMI-CEC when connecting external devices? How was this changed from previous models?



Starting from 2022 TVs, the auto-detection function now prioritizes the Source Product Description (SPD)-based detection method over HDMI-Consumer Electronics Control (CEC). This means that if an external device provides both SPD and CEC information, it will be detected through SPD and operated via Multi-Brand Remote (MBR) using infrared (IR) code sets.


This behavior differs from 2021 TVs and earlier versions, where CEC information was given priority. In those models, if a device had both CEC and SPD information, it would be detected by CEC and operated using HDMI-CEC controls.


The reason behind this change is due to the unreliable nature of HDMI-CEC data, such as incorrect physical addresses, sending addresses of previously connected devices, and power off issues, which may affect the auto-detection performance negatively. By applying this change, the TV can preferentially detect devices by SPD, improving reliability and efficiency.

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