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Why can't users set up their DTV's built-in
Google Assistant through the Samsung Internet Browser App on their mobiles?
Users may encounter issues setting up their
DTV's built-in Google Assistant through the Samsung Internet Browser App on
their mobiles due to a known bug affecting certain versions of the app (v17..).
This bug causes the message "Device not found" when attempting to
log in by searching a URL or scanning a QR code using the Samsung web browser
on mobile devices.
Affected Models
All TV (Built-in Google Assistant)
Can not set up Google assistant via Samsung internet browser in mobile
When search URL or scan the QR code for login using Samsung web browser in
mobile, "Device not found" will be displayed on mobile
Samsung web browser app bug (*Affected version : 17.*.*.*)
This issue will be solved by app update in mobile (Improved version : 18.*.*.*)
*Plan : Early of Aug.2022
Until fixes the issue, please guide user to try another
browser app in mobile