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How do I Use SmartThings to control my TV?
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How do I Use SmartThings to control my TV?



If you add your Samsung TV to the mobile SmartThings app, you will be able to control the TV from your phone! Once your TV has been registered in the app, tap the Devices tab, and then navigate to and select your TV.


A remote will appear in the app, which will allow you to control your TV the way you normally would! You can change the channel, adjust the volume level, and so on.


You can also use the SmartThings app on your TV to control other SmartThings devices around your home! Simply navigate to the app on your TV; any smart devices registered to your SmartThings account will appear. Use your remote to select the different devices and control them, such as turning them on and off.


Note: Smart device control and functionality may be limited on the TV version of the SmartThings app.


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