Home > Family Hub > Can users of Family Hub 2.0 S/W update directly to Family Hub 7.0 S/W?
Can users of Family Hub 2.0 S/W update directly to Family Hub 7.0 S/W?
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Can users of Family Hub 2.0 S/W update directly to Family Hub 7.0 S/W?



  • It is not possible to update from 2.0 S/W to 7.0 S/W immediately, the update will be carried out sequentially.
  • When a user of Family Hub 2.0 S/W updates the S/W, the S/W will be updated in the order of FHub 3.0 S/W > FHub 4.0 S/W > FHub 5.0 > FHub 6.0 > FHub 7.0.
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